O r i e n s C e l l s

NK Activity Test

NK cell activity test for Cancer Risk assessment

NK Cell Activity In Immunity, Cancer And Aging

NK cells are the first line of defense (innate immunity) among immune cells. It detects and immediately removes abnormal cells including cancer cells and virally infected cells.

The active population of NK cells is more important than the number of NK cells in our body. This activity can only be measured through use of NK Activity test kit.

Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a healthy and active population of NK cells within the body.

 Individual with low NK cell activity have been shown in epidemiological studies to be at significant higher risk of cancer.

 Decreased NK cells activity has been associated with a variety of solid tumors and large tumor burden and development of metastatic cancer.

 Families with high incidence of cancer have shown reduced NK cells activity compared with control families.

 In elderly, low NK cell activity has been associated with increased risk of infections and associated morbidities.

NK Activity Test Process Flow 


What are the precautions before having the test?

There are drugs (eg steroids) and diseases (eg cancer, viral infection) that may affect the test result, so consultation before testing is necessary.

Who should take the NK activity test?

Any patient with a disease that is known to affect NK cell activity, such as cancer, OR anyone who wishes to measure their immune strength as a health benchmark.

If the activity of NK cells are low, does that mean I have a disease?

NK cell activity test does not diagnose specific diseases, so a low result doesn’t mean that you have a disease.

However, it has been demonstrated in many studies recently that patients with cancer usually have low NK Cell activity, and that patients with low NK Cell activity are at a higher risk of developing cancer or infections.

What are the consequences of decrease in NK cell activity or potential complications?

Increased risk of cancer

High chances for metastatic cancer

Multiple sclerosis

Kidney disease

Chronic infections

Decreased resiliency in recovery from infection

Behavioral cognitive deficits


• Various life style diseases

• Vulnerable to infectious diseases

• Physiological stress

• Chronic fatigue

• Unhealthy lifestyle

• History of cancer

• Exposed to harmful environment